About Us
Missions to Seafarers North West Australia Limited is a not-for-profit charity set up as an agency of the Anglican Diocese of North West Australia. Established in 2021, the aim of the company is to govern the Missions to Seafarers throughout North West Australia.
Chairman's Message
Retired Bishop Gary Nelson
“What an amazing ministry!”
An oft-heard comment from people when they are informed about the work of the Missions to Seafarers. This response usually leads to gospel partnerships being established.
Our mission work seeks to care for seafarers in every way, including physical needs and emotional support. But at the heart of the care offered is the gospel, the saving good news of Jesus Christ.
Our Vision
To share the good news of Jesus Christ with all seafaring people from all nations.
To support the welfare and treatment of all seafarers in Western Australian waters through chaplaincy services.
To provide a place where seafarers can find rest and recreation in a supportive and relaxed environment.
Our Objectives
To provide for the physical and spiritual welfare of visiting seafarers and their families
To assist, as far as it is practicable, any seafarer who is in need or distress.
To provide a safe place for seafarers to relax and recreate away from their ship.
To promote the work of The Mission to Seafarers within the parishes of the Diocese and other Christian denominations and to seek support for this work.