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Why Support Our Company?

The ports of North West of Western Australia are growing in size and number and this means that the demand to provide services to visiting seafarers will continue to expand.


Seafarer centres in each port need to be prepared for the future requirements of the WA Government, mining and resource companies as well as other port users.


Being part of Missions to Seafarers North West Australia Limited will enable you to be part of this exciting ministry to thousands of visiting seafarers.

Beautiful Waters Exmouth, Shark Bay Western Australia

Benefits of being part of the company


Helps to ensure that each centre follows standard operating procedures.
A simple structure for the basic day-to-day operations gives centre staff clear guidelines to follow, releasing managers and chaplains to focus on
their working relationships with community groups, resource companies, and ports authorities.



Buildings, property, equipment, and
maintenance are an essential part
of the Missions to Seafarers ministry
located in remote locations across
the North West Australia. Being part of the Company means that there is a central body to govern, maintain equipment, source funding and manage legal requirements.


Ports across Australia require approvals, and this takes time and effort away from centre staff. The Company will manage the paperwork required to
ensure staff can do their job of supporting seafarers.



Being part of the Company provides
security for investors who offer financial support to the Missions. A corporation within the Anglican Church of Australia, it provides security and legal compliance.



Being part of the company is saying ‘Yes to safety’. The company is responsible for the health and safety of all Centre users (including workers) during the time that they are accessing the services of the centres (or when people are at work). It also oversees all aspects of safe ministry (professional standards and protection of the vulnerable).




By being part of the Company, staff will have the support of financial experts to assist with audits and other financial record keeping.


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